The Vertigo blog, Graphic Content, has posted a few preview pages from next week’s iZombie #6, the “Spot-light” issue entitled “I, Were-Terrier.” To save your clicking finger, I’ll just post them all here, shall? (This is my favorite issue of the series to date, I should point out.) The issue will be on stands October 6th, so be sure to mark your calendars!
Caanan Grall’s Edgar Allan Poe and the Raven
I’ve been following Caanan Grall’s “Max Overacts” strip on his Occasional Comics Disorder blog for a while now and really enjoying it, but it took a post on Comics Should Be Good to compell me to talk about his work here. The post was part of their ongoing art challenge thingee, where the Comics Should Be Good writers toss out a theme, readers send in ideas, and then artists illustrate them. This week’s theme was mash-ups or team-ups between comic book and literary characters. One reader suggested Edgar Allan Poe and Raven from the Teen Titans, and Caanan Grall brought it to life.
Check out the awesome:
There’s tons more great stuff on his website, so check it out unless you hate goodness or something.
Thundarr The Barbarian on DVD!
The complete series of Thundarr the Barbarian, arguably one of the high watermarks in human achievement, is now available on DVD direct from the The series featured the work of Jack Kirby, Alex Toth, and Steve Gerber. Also, a laser sword and giant cat guy.
The DVD apparently won’t be in stores, and is only available online. I’ve already ordered mine, what are you waiting for?
Evan Shaner’s Popeye
Evan “Doc” Shaner has been posting loads of nifty Popeye drawings to his Tumblr and DeviantArt accounts this last few days, as warm up for the latest Comic Twart theme, but he’s saved the best for last. Check it out.
Here’s how he describes it:
– Castor: In discovering the strip I was really taken with Olive’s brother, Castor. He basically brings Popeye into the strip after all and he’s got a great face for cartoons. I’m a little disappointed now that he and the rest of the Oyl family were never in any of the cartoons. My favorite part in this piece is watching his face as the strip goes along.
– That’s Brutus in the 2nd, 3rd, and final panels, not Bluto. Frankly, Brutus is a heck of a lot funnier to me. It’s probably the crossed eyes and uni-brow.
– The 5th panel has got Poopdeck Pappy, who I’ve never drawn before, but I have drawn Popeye and plenty of beards.
– The 6th panel is a reference to the inital story where Jack Snork shot Popeye while at sea and Bernice the Whiffle Hen basically saved his life.
– Eugene the Jeep is hanging out on the gutters between the panels, as creatures who can pass into the fourth dimension tend to do. This is a reference to what I think is one of the funniest gags ever.
– The 7th panel is from Aladdin and his Wonderful Lamp.
– The 8th panel is from the short Goonland.
– The 9th panel is from Popeye the Sailor meets Sindbad the Sailor. The giant buzzard from that cartoon is my stand-in for Bernard, the Sea Hag’s buzzard, both of which I wanted to put in here but didn’t get to. There’s Bluto in the back as Sindbad.
– The 10th panel is a reference to the last scene in the 1980 live-action movie featuring Robin Williams. Olive and Wimpy are in there if you look real close.
– And the rest of it is just me foolishly trying to be Segar.How awesome is that?
The Waldo Ultimatum
(via) I would totally watch this movie.
Another Alternate Nova
As an addendum to the “Alternate Novas” from Superhero Cocoa that I blogged about the other day, check out Shane McDermott‘s “Sir Richard Rider,” who the artist describes as “the Celtic Knight with the powers of a sun or something.”
Dean Trippe’s Spacetime’s Finest #3
Hot on the heels of Spacetime’s Finest #2 (prints now on sale!), Dean Trippe has unveiled Spacetime’s Finest #3. And it’s available as a print! Come on, how can you live a moment longer without owning a copy of this?!
Return to DC One Million
DC Comics has begun releasing the solicitations for titles shipping in December, and there was one in particular that caught my eye.
Get ready to go back to the 853rd century as SUPERMAN/BATMAN visits the world of DC ONE MILLION! What dangerous foe threatens to destroy both the 853rd and 21st centuries? Find out here in the first part of a 2-part story by Chris Roberson (I, ZOMBIE) and Jesus Merino (JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA)!
On sale DECEMBER 22 * 32 pg, FC, $2.99 USI don’t know about you folks, but I’ll be picking it up!
Alternate Novas
I’m late to the party on the Superhero Cocoa blog (“Cocoa” here standing for “Costume Coalition”). In much the same vein as Project: Rooftop site, the blog features artists doing redesigns on superhero costumes. I followed a link from Joel Priddy’s blog this morning to the site, in which he also shared his contribution (about which more in a moment).
The current assignment on Superhero Cocoa was for Nova, and was a themed assignment.
This time, back by popular demand, he will be themed. Your job is to take Nova and interpret him through a culture’s mythology. You could, for example, interpret him through Greek mythology and treat him like Apollo. (BUT, any culture can be used.)
And here are a few of my favorites.
First up is Joel Priddy’s version, which has a Japanese mythological feel to it:
And how about Pete Taylor’s WWI-aviator version?
Nifty, no? Check out the blog for loads more awesomeness!
Batman Vs. The Beast of Leviathan
There’s always something good to be found when Ty Templeton updates his blog, and the latest update is no exception.