This is… dare I say it? WONDERFUL!
iZombie Valentine
Thanks to Chris Sims and the fine folks at Comics Alliance, here’s a sweet little sentiment that you can share with your Valentine.
Click the link for more wacky comic-book-Valentine goodness!
Robb Pratt’s Superman Classic
I have Thomas Perkins to thank for pointing out Robb Pratt’s fantastic animated fan-film, Superman Classic. Thanks, Thomas!
Dan Santat’s Sidekicks
We are all huge fans of the work of Dan Santat around the MonkeyBrain household, and we’ll buy any book that he’s illustrated in a heartbeat, sight unseen. But ever since he started talking about his forthcoming graphic novel for kids, which he’s illustrating and writing, we’ve been really looking forward to it.
And now Santat has posted a trailer for the book at his blog, if you needed any more convincing.
And if you’re still not convinced, you could always dowload a PDF preview of the book.
Everything is STILL a Remix
Hey, remember last year when I pointed out “Everything is a Remix,” a new project by Kirby Ferguson of Goodie Bag fame? No? Well, I did. So there.
Anyway, Kirby is back with part two of the ongoing Everything Is A Remix project, and it’s every bit as fascinating as the first.
Everything is a Remix Part 2 from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo.
I’m reminded of a fantastic essay on fanfiction in Michael Chabon’s Maps and Legends, which covers much of this same ground, but from a literary standpoint, using Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories as a unifying element. Well worth hunting down, if you haven’t read it.