Monday, June 30, 2008


Doctor Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

This has already been all over the interwebs the last few days, but I'm just back online after a few days of travel, so sue me.

During the recent(ish) writers strike, I wondered what the writers were doing to occupy their time, and exercise their mental muscles. I know that, even if I didn't have any paying writing gigs for a few months' time, I'd have to write something or I'd go nuts. Well, here's the answer for what Joss Whedon, at least, did to keep occupied:

Doctor Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
During the WGA strike Joss Whedon started writing a three part musical series for the internet. Each of the three episodes will be approximately ten minutes each.

Co-writers for the internet feature are Joss’ brothers Zack and Jed and Jed’s Fiancé Maurissa Tancharoen . The writing and shooting have been completed and the series is now in post-production.

“It’s the story of a low-rent super-villain, the hero who keeps beating him up, and the cute girl from the laundromat he’s too shy to talk to.” says Whedon.

“Doctor Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog” will star Neil Patrick Harris as Dr. Horrible, Nathan Fillion as Captain Hammer, Felicia Day as Penny and a cast of dozens.”
And here's the teaser:

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Book Report (and Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now")

This'll likely be my last post for the next few days. In just a while we're heading out to Houston, first to visit my brother, his wife, and their new baby boy, and then to spend a few days at ApolloCon. On my way out the door, here's a little something for you.

Last week I finished reading Mike Dawson's Freddie & Me. I've been a fan of Dawson's since I first read his "Origin of Ace-Face" in Project Superior, and have followed his stuff ever since. I'd been looking forward to his mediation on memory and music (the Queen variety, at least) for a while, and dove in as soon as I got my hands on a copy. Subtitled "A Coming of Age (Bohemian) Rhapsody", the book is autobiographical, and focuses on questions of memory, of childhood and the transition to adulthood, and the ways we engage with idols and heroes, particularly the pop music variety. The framework for Dawson's remembrances are his memories of the band Queen, and in particular of Freddie Mercury--the first time he heard a Queen song, the various Queen songs that were particularly meaningful to him and those around him as he was growing up, even his childhood fantasies of an impossible backstage meeting with the band. One of the interesting things about the book is that, even though Freddie Mercury and Queen are on virtually every page of it, the book isn't about Queen or Mercury at all. "Dawson" (at least the character represented in the story) at one point muses that he knows virtually nothing about Freddie Mercury the man at all. It's the music that is important, and more than that it's Dawson's reaction to the music, what it means to him, that matters. (It's similar, in that respect, to Nicholson Baker's U&I, which is much the same kind of meditation, but instead on the subject of John Updike's work.)

It's been a few days since I finished the book, and there are elements of it that are still running through my head. Highly recommended.

As an added bonus, here's a little awesome for you. After reading Dawson's book, I was inspired to revisit the music of Queen. I listened to it a lot when I was younger, around the same age that Dawson was in the key middle sections of his story), but haven't really gone back to it since I switched from cassette tapes to CDs. Listening to it again after this long (and having the chance to introduce it to Georgia, who loves the theme song to Flash Gordon...), I'm struck by how good it really is. And since most of what I listened to back then was the middle-period stuff, listening to some of the older Queen songs now has been a real revelation. Like this number.

I'd heard "Don't Stop Me Now," of course, off their 1978 release Jazz, but it wasn't until I was listening to it in the car the other day, with the speakers turned up loud, that I really got what the song was. What is it? Just pure joy, that's all. Pure, unalloyed joy.

Don't believe me? Listen for yourself and see what you think.

See? Pure joy...


Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War II

Remember those "secret good news" gigs I've mentioned a time or two, the franchise projects I've been working on? I just got the final go ahead on one of them yesterday, and permission to announce what it was.

Here's where I'll be living for the next month or so...

Dawn of War II is the latest installment in Relic Entertainments ongoing real-time-strategy computer game series, which ties into Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 universe. And the novel I'm writing ties into both, in a way, reflecting the plot, setting, and characters of Relic's game, and tying into the overarching Warhammer 40K universe as featured in the books of Games Workshop's publishing arm, Black Library. (Games Workshop also owns Solaris, the publisher of Set the Seas on Fire, The Dragon's Nine Sons and Three Unbroken.)

I've written a couple of Warhammer 40K short-stories for Black Library the last few months, which will be anthologized sooner or later, but this is the first novel-length work I've done for them. The first, but hopefully not the last.

I'm continually amazed at the depth and breadth of the Warhammer 40K universe, which is a much richer and more nuanced setting that any game world has a right to be, and I'm thrilled to have the chance to play in that sandbox.

In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war...

(And in the grim darkness of this writer's hole I'm down, there's only Warhammer 40K...)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


SF Signal's Review of the Celestial Empire

Over on the SF Signal this morning, there's a post from John DeNardo entitled "REVIEW: Chris Roberson's Celestial Empire Stories (Part 1)".

How's that for a mouthful?

In the post, as a kind of follow-up to his review of The Dragon's Nine Sons, John reviews a whole mess of Celestial Empire stories. To which I can only say, Thanks, John!


Monday, June 23, 2008


Postscripts #15

Want to share in my latest "I'm-not-worthy" moment? Head over to the PS Publishing site, where they've posted the ToC for the forthcoming Postscripts #15. An "all-sf" issue, that serves both as a spotlight on Paul McAuley and as a special issue for WorldCon 2008, the issue includes a star-studded line up of heavy hitters, including a guest editorial by the late Arthur C. Clarke.

And here's the I'm-not-worthy moment. Somehow, a story of mine ended up in the list, a Celestial Empire tale entitled "Thy Saffron Wings," about the first envoy from the Dragon Throne to visit the court of an English monarch.

How did that happen...?


The Hole, and Georgia Online

I'm going to be a mite busy the next few weeks, down what Bill Willingham calls "the hole," trying to finish a franchise novel between now and the middle of July. I'll probably be able to talk about it sooner or later, but attentive readers of this blog could probably guess what it is. Then I'll dive right into a super-cool comic book project I've been tapped to do, which I might be able to talk about by then, but not yet.

I'd say not to expect too much in the way of posting from me, but the last time I went down the "hole", writing The Dragon's Nine Sons at about this time last year, I ended up posting even more frequently than usual. So who knows?

But I will share one thing with you before I descend into the hole. Georgia's started a new pre-kindergarten class this month, moving up from the preschool class she was in, and she's loving it. One of the difference between this as the "old class," as Georgia calls it, is that this new class has computers for the kids to use, as part of their daily activities. Georgia, who'd taken only a passing interest in computers before, is now all about the computer. Where before she would sit in my lap as we visited kid-friendly site and clicked around, a passive consumer, now she's working the mouse herself, all on her own. Suffice it to say that my computer has probably been tuned to the PBS Kids website more the last few days than any other.

It's only a matter of time, I figure, before we put her to work. Sooner or later it'll be her posting to my blog...

Saturday, June 21, 2008


C is for Colbert

(Post title nicked from the Muppet Newsflash) Last night, after Georgia had gone to bed, Allison and I watched Thursday's episode of The Colbert Report, which along with Jon Stewart's The Daily Show is one of the few shows I never miss. About halfway through the episode, Colbert did a piece on a recent study that shows that fruit has ousted cookies as the number one snack for the under-six-years-old crowd. Then he was interrupted by a doorbell ringing a familiar tune, and...

Well, see for yourself.

I think this is David Rudman performing Cookie, who also performs Jack on Jack's Big Music Show and Baby Bear on Sesame Street. The combination of Rudman's talent and a great script (for which we have the Colbert writers to thank, I'm guessing) makes this the best Muppet/Sesame Street cameo I've seen in years. Usually the characters are trotted out for morning shows or home-improvement shows or the like, with less than completely satisfying results. This, by contrast, was hilarious.

There was a sting at the end of the episode, as well.


Friday, June 20, 2008


Guardians of the Galaxy

A quick note about one of the comics I read this week. I've raved before about Dan Abnett, and often cite Nova as one of the best books Marvel is currently producing. Like most of Abnett's comic work, Nova is co-written with Andy Lanning. The book was launched a few years back as part of Marvel's "Annihilation" family of cosmic/space-opera titles, a collection of interlinked series, crossovers, and miniseries that has consistently been far-and-away better than the vast majority of everything else Marvel publishes. In the most recent crossover miniseries, Annihilation: Conquest, a bunch of Marvel's repurposed and revised space-heroes were brought together to liberate an occupied Kree, including Adam Warlock, Mantis, Quasar, Star-Lord, and yes, even Rocket Raccoon.

Spinning out of Annihilation: Conquest, set in the Knowhere, recently introduced in the pages of Nova, the new ongoing Guardians of the Galaxy, scripted by Abnett and Lanning, reunites that mismatched group of heroes as an ad hoc force dedicated to policing the galaxy.

In the second issue of the series, out this week, there's a moment that exemplifies just what I love about Abnett and Lanning's comic work.

Adam Warlock says, "History doesn't repeat itself... but sometimes it rhymes."

Just a terrific little grace note, in the midst of a story about our heroes finding a chunk of frozen time that falls out of a rift in reality, something from outside of spacetime, that is revealed to contain in suspended animation the frozen body of hero with a circular red-white-and-blue shield. (Hint, it's not that super-soldier...)

Like Nova, which continues to kick ass a monthly basis, Guardians of the Galaxy is highly recommended.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Willingham on Fables

The Washington Post’s Express has posted an interview with Bill Willingham on all things Fables. I recently reread the whole series from the beginning through the most recent issues (for reasons that will, for the moment, remain unremarked), and I think it reads even better as a whole than it did in individual issues. For those keeping score at home, with the publication of Fables #75 in July, the book ties with Neil Gaiman's Sandman on the number of individual issues, and with the publication of Fables #76, Fables will officially lap Sandman.

If you've not tried Fables before, you've got ten full volumes of goodness in store for you. Highly recommended.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Elric: The Sleeping Sorceress

Behold the mighty awesomeness that is John Picacio's cover art for the third volume in Del Rey reissue of Michael Moorcock's Elric.

As John points out on his blog, volume one in the series, Elric of Melniboné, with cover and interior illustrations by Picacio, is available now; volume two, To Rescue Tanelorn, with cover and interiors by Michael Kaluta, will be out in late July; and this third volume, The Sleeping Sorceress, with cover by Picacio and interiors by Steve Ellis, will be out in early December.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Book Report

Every so often, I start these little personal research projects. Not tied directly to anything I'm writing, necessarily, though there are usual tangential connections. Instead, they're usually areas in which I feel I should be better versed. The novels of a particular author, for example, or a particular television series, or whatnot. A few years ago I decided to revisit the works of Michael Moorcock, and so for a period of a month or two read nothing but his books (in the end, I read three dozen of them before I got distracted and had to set them aside--close enough to see the goalposts at the end, but not enough to reach them). A year and a half ago, or thereabouts, I decided to try watching all of Doctor Who from the beginning, but that project only made it a few months before going off the rails, and I didn't even make it to the end of the First Doctor's tenure.

It's been a while since I started a new project, and a couple of weeks ago I decided it was high time to kick one off. I chose the Discworld novels of Terry Pratchett. I started reading the Discworld books in college, shortly after Good Omens introduced me to Pratchett's work. I came for the Gaiman, as it were, and stayed for the Pratchett. That would have been in 1990, and between the UT library system and second-hand bookshops, I was able to read Discworld from the beginning, so that by the time Small Gods was published I had caught up with the new books. (Those were dark times for Pratchett fans, when the gap between the UK publication of a Discworld book and the US edition could be as long as years; thankfully there were a handful of genre booksellers in Texas who sold import editions, if the wait became untenable).

I kept up with Discworld religiously for a decade or so, reading each new book as it came out--which, at that point, was at a rate of one or two novels per year--along with buying all the maps, the guides and companion volumes. If you've ever read one of Pratchett's novels, I don't have to explain the appeal, and if you haven't read one of them, you should stop reading this now and go find one. In addition to being the finest satirist in the English language in decades--arguably since Twain--Pratchett is an accomplished stylist, capable of writing the most effective--and effecting--endings of any writer I've ever encountered. The level of imagination and invention in Discworld is unparalleled, I think, and that's without considering the kind of social and cultural commentary he works in about our world.

In any event, I was for years obsessed with Pratchett's work and with Discworld in particular. But about nine years ago, things went off the rails, and the pace at which I was able to read Discowrld books was overtaken by the pace at which Pratchett was writing them. I kept buying the books in hardcover, putting them on the To Read shelf, and waiting to find time to read them, but year followed year and the time just never seemed to arrive.

A few weeks ago, I had the chance to browse through an out-of-town used bookstore I hadn't visited in years, and found a couple of Discworld books I hadn't picked up yet--including Paul Kidby's Art of Discworld and the one Discworld map I hadn't bought yet, the Lancre one. I brought them home and flipped through them, and had a sudden yen to read a Discworld book again. But having been away for so long, I had forgotten a lot of the minor characters, as well as a major character or two. And thinking back, I realized it had been nearly two decades since I read the first half-dozen of the books, which I could recall now only dimly.

Luckily, I had the books there on the shelf, and it only remained to find time to read them. Fortunately for me, I had just turned in a big project, and had a bit of breathing room before starting on the next one, and so I started in on The Colour of Magic right away. In the weeks since, I've made my way through the first six books in the series, reading in publication order--The Light Fantastic, Equal Rites, Mort, Sourcery, and Wyrd Sisters. I'm having to take a break for a couple of weeks, to read a big stack of Warhammer 40K novels and change the shape of my head a bit, but as soon as I'm able I'll be starting up again (though I may start reading them out of order a bit, when I do).

What's refreshing about revisiting these early Discworld books after so long a time is how well they hold up. Clearly you can see Pratchett working out the possibilities of the world and the kinds of stories he can tell in it, and the first couple of books are more limited than the later installments as a natural consequence, but even in them the level of invention is alarmingly high, with huge, clever ideas whizzing past every few pages. And by the time you get to Equal Rites, Pratchett is doing things with language that just dazzle.

As I've said, if you've never read a Pratchett book, what are you waiting for? And if you have, how long has it been? Well, as the chili commercial used to say, "Partner, that's too long."

Now, a few links of Pratchett-related interest, some recent and some of a somewhat older vintage:
As a final closing note, I should point out that I once had a chance to introduce myself to Pratchett at a convention, but somehow got it into my head to do so in the worst possible way. I won't sully the internets by recounting the humiliating details here, but for the price of a beer at a convention I'll happily tell the story to anyone who'll listen.



ApolloCon 2008

Next week, I'll be a program participant at ApolloCon 2008 in Houston, Texas. I attended ApolloCon last year, and had a terrific time. This year, my pal Lou Anders is the Editor Guest of Honor, so I have even more incentive to attend.

Here's my tentative programming schedule, in the event that anyone in the area wants to come and hear me bloviate:

Man of Bronze; Pages of Pulp
Fri 8:00PM - 9:00PM
Doc Savage first appeared in print 70 years ago and proved to be a character far more durable than the paper he was printed on. Our panelists discuss Doc Savage and other classic pulp fictions of the 1930s.
Bill Crider, Mel. White, Allen Steele (M), Scott Cupp, Chris Roberson

What's Your Super Power?
Fri 9:00PM - 10:00PM
The panelists discuss the perceived resurgence of superheroes in various media. Why are superheroes on the comeback, and how have they changed?
Chris Roberson, Caroline Spector (M), Kathy Thornton, A. Lee Martinez

Readings: Rosemary Clement-Moore, Chris Roberson
Sat 1:00PM - 2:00PM
25 minute reading session in 50 minute shared slot.

YA Favorites
Sat 3:00PM - 4:00PM
Harry Potter or Midnighters? Keeper of the Isis Light or Have Spacesuit, Will Travel? Our panelists share their YA favorites both classic and current.
Marianne Dyson, K.M. Tolan, Rosemary Clement-Moore, Alexis Glynn Latner (M), Chris Roberson

Balloons of War and Pearl-handled Ray Guns:
Steampunk Rampant
Sat 5:00PM - 6:00PM
Steampunk is on the rise in fiction, media, art, gaming, and even costuming. Where did it come from and where is it going? Our panelists discuss this fascinating hybrid.
Stina Leicht, Matthew Bey (M), Lou Anders, Scott Cupp, Chris Roberson, Martha Wells

What's New at Pyr
Sun 11:00AM - 12:00PM
Lou Anders gives us a sneak peak into what's going on at Pyr Books and what we can expect to see from them in the near future.
Lou Anders (M), John Picacio, Alexis Glynn Latner, Chris Roberson

Monday, June 16, 2008


In the Garden of Iden

Listen, I've raved about Kage Baker before, so won't bore you with it again. But if you haven't had the chance to try any of her stories and novels yet, here's your perfect opportunity. Tor Books is offering the first book in the Company series, In the Garden of Iden, for free online, but just for one week. It's already been up for a few days, so you've only got a few days left to try it out. You can get the HTML version, or if you sign up for updates at the Tor site, you'll get links to PDF and MobiPocket versions by mail (or so I'm told). So come on! A great book at an unbeatable price! And if you like it, there's loads more where that came from (but only the first taste is free, of course...).


Page 123, Fifth Sentence

Over the weekend, it seems, I was tagged twice in the "Page 123, Fifth Sentence" meme that's been bopping around the last few days. The instructions are pretty simple: "To participate, you grab any book, go to page 123, find the fifth sentence, and blog it. Then tag five people."

All of my reading for the moment is for one of the big franchise projects I'm working on, but the book that's actually closest to hand is an ARC (advance review copy, don't you know) at the very top of my To Read pile, waiting for me to have a spare moment. It's George Mann's forthcoming The Affinity Bridge, due out shortly from Snow Books in the UK, and later from Tor in the US. And here, without any further ado, is the fifth sentence on page 123.
"If there was anything to be found, he'd have turned it out by now."
Ooh. Mysterious. Who is "he", and what is he searching for? Don't ask me, I haven't read the book. But pick it up yourself and find out!

As for tagging, I'll decline to point fingers. How about this? If you read this blog and are interested in the slightest in playing along, consider yourself duly tagged.

Friday, June 13, 2008


The Science Patrol Wants You!

A post on Cartoon Brew this morning points to the blog of Bob Logan, which is full of all sorts of goodness (I particularly dig all the old View-Master images; those photographed 3D dioramas obsessed me as a kid). Looking back through Logan's older posts, I found this gem. Might be familiar to anyone else who, like me, grew up on the old Ultraman series...

I will confess that, as a kid, I badly wanted that gun, that badge, and yes, that necktie...

There's lots more great stuff on Logan's blog and site, so check 'em out. (And look, I also learn from his blogroll that Ed Emberley has a website!)

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Mystery on Fifth Avenue

Holy crap. This is insane.
Things are not as they seem in the 14th-floor apartment on upper Fifth Avenue. At first blush the family that occupies it looks to be very much of a type. The father, Steven B. Klinsky, 52, runs a private equity company; the mother, Maureen Sherry, 44, left her job as a managing director for Bear Stearns to raise their four young children (two boys and two girls); and the dog, LuLu, is a soulful Lab mix rescued from a pound in Louisiana.

They are living in a typical habitat for the sort of New Yorkers they appear to be: an enormous ’20s-era co-op with Central Park views (once part of a triplex built for the philanthropist Marjorie Merriweather Post), gutted to its steel beams and refitted with luxurious flourishes like 16th-century Belgian mantelpieces and custom furniture made from exotic woods with unpronounceable names.

But some of that furniture and some of those walls conceal secrets — messages, games and treasures — that make up a Rube Goldberg maze of systems and contraptions conceived by a young architectural designer named Eric Clough, whose ideas about space and domestic living derive more from Buckminster Fuller than Peter Marino.

The apartment even comes with its own book, part of which is a fictional narrative that recalls “The Da Vinci Code” (without the funky religion or buckets of blood) and “From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler,” the children’s classic by E. L. Konigsburg about a brother and a sister who run away to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and discover — and solve — a mystery surrounding a Renaissance sculpture. It has its own soundtrack, too, with contributions by Kate Fenner, a young Canadian singer and songwriter with a lusty, alternative, Joni Mitchell-ish sound, with whom Mr. Clough fell in love during the project.
Check out the slideshow, which has to be seen to be believed. Check out this one, for example, along with the accompanying text:

A rectangular panel in the den and guest room opens to reveal acrylic slices, far left, that fit together to form a cube. When the chamfered magnetic cube lodged above the slices is dragged over the 24 panels on a nearby wall, they open.
And it just gets crazier from there...


Cornell on Writing

My friend Paul Cornell recently did an interview with SFX, and shared some sage advice for young writers.

Oh, and the second issue of Paul's Captain Britain and MI13 is out this week.

How awesome is it? Well, there was also a new issue of Paul Grist's Jack Staff this week, but I read the Captain Britain book first...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Tomorrow's Big Genre Stars

The good folks (and yes, damn them, they are good folks) at SF Signal have done another of their Mind Meldy things, this time on the topic, "Who Are Tomorrow's Big Genre Stars?" And then they collated the responses, counting how often each name cropped up, resulting in a list of "Genre Authors To Keep an Eye On." Through some error of accounting, no doubt, I somehow ended up on the list.

(The question posed, actually, reads "Which new or little-known genre writers will be tomorrow's big stars? Why?" Naturally, mileage for "new" and "little-known" differs quite a bit from person to person, so take it for what it's worth. As for me, I'm quite happy to continue being "new" for as long as they'll let me!)


Google Reader Fun

Do you use Google Reader? If you do, try this bit of hilarity on for size (courtesy of Christopher Bird):
Go to Google reader.

Hit the following keys: up arrow, up arrow, down arrow, down arrow, left arrow, right arrow, left arrow, right arrow, B and A.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008


A Book a Year

This morning, John Scalzi points to an article on the website of the Boston Globe, in which bestselling authors--primarily writers of thrillers and mysteries, it seems--moan about having to write a book a year.

A book a year.

They talk about being forced into the "hamster wheel," and the "breakneck writing schedule" of turning in a whole novel manuscript every year.

To which I say...


Ha ha.

Ha ha ha.


An Alternate Evolution of Superman

On his LiveJournal, cartoonist Marcus Parcus has posted an interesting meditation on icons and iconography, spinning off of his entry for Project: Rooftop's Superman: Man of Style contest. As in their previous Iron Man and Wonder Woman design contests, illustrators are invited to reimagine Superman's look, in particular his costume. For his redesign, Marcus has boiled the idea of "Superman" down to its visual essence, and then rebuilt it from the ground up.
What makes the superman costume a superman costume? Is there something in the visual iconography of the character that, even if only on a subconscious level, underscores his iconic status?

To me, the design of superman's outfit is all sort of an extension of his logo; a proper redesign, it follows, would be as much or more about symbols and graphic design than any fabric-based fashion statements.

What's fascinating is that, as a way of reimagining Superman, Marcus has effectively constructed an alternate history in which the character--and more importantly his emblem--developed along different lines.

How awesome is that? Marcus delves into Zen paintings, symbolism from various cultures, hermetic geometry, and Renaissance physiology to derive a new Superman shield, one that hearkens back to the original Golden Age versions while being completely distinct from any of the modern variations.

And here it is:

Elegant, no?


Help Borderlands Get a Cafe

Cheryl Morgan has started a petition for a cause I can get behind.
As some of you may know, my good friends at Borderlands Books in San Francisco are working on opening a cafe next to their store. In order to do so they need to get planning permission, which is not always a straightforward proposition, city bureaucracies being what they are. So the application needs support. There’s a petition in the store that you can sign, but if you can’t get into San Francisco (and I know that Borderlands has fans all around the world) then you can help out by adding a comment below.
As I've said many times before, Borderlands Books is one of the top independent bookstores in the country, and Alan Beatts and Jude Feldman are two of my favorite people in the world. If you've any experience with them or with the store and agree with me, do your good deed for the day (or your mitzvah, if you prefer) and go sign the petition that Cheryl's posted.

Sunday, June 08, 2008


Democratic Margins

This is hypnotically fascinating. A cool little applet on the New York Times website, that allows you to split the exit-poll statistics from all the Democratic primaries.

It would appear, statistically speaking, that the older, poorer, and less educated voter was, the more likely they were to cast their vote for Clinton.


Forest of the Dead


If anything, the second half of this two-parter was even better than the first. Together, Steven Moffat's latest Doctor Who contribution represents a completely flawless two hours of entertainment. Not only one of the best Who stories to date, in any series or medium, but honestly one of the best two hours of television I've ever seen, full stop.

(And look, everybody, it's Captain Jack's "square-shooter" sonic blaster!)

We cannot wait for 2010, and the inevitable return of Professor River Song...

Friday, June 06, 2008


Overdrift: Stage 2

First, there was Overdrift.

Now, at long last, there is Overdrift: Stage 2.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Marvel Heroes

(via) Here's a little CGI Marvel mayhem for you. It apparently ran originally as something called "Iron Man's Adventures", a serial in three parts, but has now been cut together into one four-minute-and-change short.

It's funny how this short is better in less than five minutes than Spider-Man 3 was at a length of two hours. And it gives me hope that an Avengers flick might actually work...


Yes We Can

Go donate to his campaign, already.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Spaceman Skeletons!

Spaceman Skeletons.

Spaceman Skeletons!



that is all..

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