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    Mike Norton is awesome, and he proves it by summing up my greatest hopes for a spin-off of the just wrapped Lost, as part of his series of “Found” strips.

    (Though, clearly the “Number One” and “Number Two” nomenclature suggests that it might turn into a different island altogether…)

    I have stayed away from internet discussion of Lost the last few months intentionally, and tried to avoid completely the back-and-forth over the finale. My $.02 is that the finale was clearly the ending to the story that Lindelof and Cuse had been telling all these years, and while it wasn’t the ending that I would have written, it represents the most satisfying conclusion to all of the character arcs in the series of any long form serial television to date. I will acept that the ending might not have been to everyone’s taste, and I think that “I didn’t like that story” is an acceptable objection, but all of the naysayers who insist that the ending is somehow proof that they were “making it up as they went along” were watching a different TV series than I was (or, in many cases, often weren’t watching it at all). As for the mysteries that weren’t solved? It was clear by midway through the last season that the things many of us in the audience thought were important to the larger story really weren’t, and that many of the Big Mysteries were just set dressing. That said, I think that the show-runners intentionally left them open to interpretation, while at the same time putting enough evidence on screen for viewers to work out the solutions themselves. And if you think that six seasons of fantastic character and relationship drama is spoiled because you aren’t told exactly where that pallet of food came from in season two, you’re probably better off watching something else. As Linda Holmes said on the NPR site last week, “There comes a point where you are asking for the midichlorians…”

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    Dust to Dust #1

    I was so caught up yesterday playing with our new iPad that I completely forgot to mention the release of my new comic with BOOM! Studios, the authorized prequel to Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

    Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?: Dust To Dust #1 (Cover A)
    Writer(s): Chris Roberson
    Artist(s): Robert Adler
    A science-fiction publishing event! Who hunted androids before Rick Deckard? Taking place immediately after World War Terminus ends, the problems with artificial life – androids – become apparent. The government decides they must become targets, hunted down, but who will do the dirty work? Two men are assigned: Malcolm Reed, a ‘special’ human with the power to feel others’ emotions, and Charlie Victor, who’s the perfect man for the job – or is he? Meanwhile Samantha Wu, a Stanford biologist, fights to save the last of the world’s animals.
    The first issue hits stands this week. If you’re still on the fence, you can check out an 8-page preview of the first issue online.
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    The Worlds of Philip José Farmer 1: Protean Dimensions

    Some of you may remember me mentioning The Worlds of Philip José Farmer 1: Protean Dimensions, the anthology that is picking up where the Farmerphile fanzine leaves off. Recently the cover art (by Keith Howell) and the table of contents has been released.

    • All new fiction set in the World of Tiers, the origin of the Wold Newton Family, Khokarsa (from Farmer’s novels Hadon of Ancient Opar and Flight to Opar), and the worlds of Flesh, “The Lovers,” and Greatheart Silver.
    • Parallel universe and time travel stories about Philip José Farmer himself.
    • A classic story, never-before-published stories, and a speech by Philip José Farmer!


    • Foreword by Paul Malmont
    • The Bite of the Asp by Randall Garrett
    • Newly Born, Newly Dead by Philip José Farmer
    • It Could Make a Great Fantasy by Laura Wilkes Carey
    • My Summer Husband by Philip José Farmer
    • Sail On! Sail On! by Philip José Farmer
    • Read On! Read On! by James Gunn
    • Comment on “Sail On! Sail On!” by Philip José Farmer
    • The Legend of Mishiwapo by Philip José Farmer
    • Philip José Farmer’s Adventures in Hollywood by Jack Mertes
    • Bordering on the Absurd by Danny Adams
    • Infamy by Edward Morris
    • Le Maréchal by Paul Spiteri
    • The Pollinators by Rhys Hughes
    • Is He in Hell? by Win Scott Eckert
    • The Blakeney Family Tree by Win Scott Eckert
    • No Trees of Earth by David Bischoff
    • A Kick in the Side by Christopher Paul Carey
    • Flesh Endures by Dennis E Power
    • The Final Flight of Greatheart Silver by Chris Roberson
    • A Writer’s Prayer by Philip José Farmer

    The Worlds of Philip José Farmer will be a numbered limited edition trade paperback. The release date is June 26th, during Farmercon V. Meteor House will only be printing 50 to 100 copies more than are pre-ordered, so…

    …to be sure you get a copy of this book, send an email to:
    mike @ pjfarmer.com

    …and reserve your copy today. You don’t have to pay for the book when you pre-order and if you request, the book will be signed by those contributors attending FarmerCon V, which is also acting as a launch party for the book.

    • US$ 20.00
    • 6×9 tpb, 264 pages
    • ISBN-13: 978-0-615-37005-7

    Copies are limited and already going fast, so contact mike @ pjfarmer.com and reserve your copy now!

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    Dour Puritan

    iFanboy has posted a whole host of splendid Mike Mignola covers for upcoming Dark Horse releases, and among them is this little gem, featuring everyone’s favorite dour Puritan adventurer. It’s the cover to the second collection of the Solomon Kane series with scripts by Scott Allie and art by Mario Guevara. It’s due out October 20, 2010, with a $15.99 pricetag. Kane is my absolute favorite of all Robert E. Howard’s characters, I must admit.

    How awesome is that?