I’m back from San Diego, having had the best experience at SDCC in the history of ever. Just a fantastic time. (The fact that I’m only now just beginning to recover is a sign that I had a very good time.)
One of the highlights of the show was sitting at the DC booth for an hour each day at the Vertigo signing table, meeting readers of Cinderella and iZombie, getting to talk to readers. The fact that DC had hung an enormous banner of Gwen from the cover to iZombie #1 didn’t hurt matters at all.
My sincerest thanks to everyone who stopped by and told me how much they’re enjoying iZombie. Thanks to everyone who came to the various panels and laughed at my jokes. And my sincerest thanks to Karina at the Bayfront Hilton’s Odysea Bar, who kept me well supplied with caipirinhas throughout the weekend.
One of the other real highlights of SDCC every year is the chance to meet so many talented creators whose work I’ve enjoyed for years. The chance to tell Paul Levitz what his LSH run meant to me, or Kurt Busiek how much I need a return of the Silver Centurions, or to tell younger creators like Ming Doyle or Mike Maihack or Kieron Gillen and on and on and on how much I’m looking forward to their new work–to me, that is what a comic-con should really be about. Comics, in other words. And despite all of the Hollywood nonsense and Hall H chaos and focus-group-tested pavilions and such, the fact that at the core of this ever expanding media convention we can still get together and talk about comics means I’ll keep coming back, year after year.
Oh, and did I mention that I had breakfast with Stan Lee…?
Stu Shiffman
Glad to hear that it was such a great experience, Chris. I was in my LCS last night, looking at one of the guys’ pictures from San Diego. His were mostly of cosplaying young women, but what’s so bad about that.
Now that you’re such a DC bigshot, maybe you’ll get up to the Emerald City Comicon next year.
Chris Roberson
Actually, I was at Emerald City Comicon *this* year and had a great time! Not sure yet if I’ll make it back for next year, but I’d definitely like to!