
OK Go’s “This Too Shall Pass” (RGM version)

(via) Hey, remember OK Go’s video for “This Too Shall Pass“? (Which, in addition to kicking off a fascinating discussion about the label’s refusal to allow the band’s videos to be embeddable, despite the huge boon that “viral” marketing has been for the band, was itself one kick ass son and video.)

Well, the band has released another video for the song, this time for the recorded version, and this time out it is embeddable.

Here’s how the official posting describes it:

Directed by James Frost, OK Go and Syyn Labs. Produced by Shirley Moyers. The official video for the recorded version of “This Too Shall Pass” off of the album “Of the Blue Colour of the Sky”. The video was filmed in a two story warehouse, in the Echo Park neighborhood of Los Angeles, CA. The “machine” was designed and built by the band, along with members of Synn Labs ( http://syynlabs.com/ ) over the course of several months.

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