• sundry

    Station Identification

    Hello, world. It’s me, that guy. I wrote that thing that time? It’s been a long while since I updated this blog (aside from a quick test post in October when I updated all of the backend stuff), and an even longer while since I updated it on anything like a regular basis. Like just about everyone else I gradually transitioned from blogging to microblogging with the rise of social media platforms like Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook, and then with the death of Google Reader pretty much stopped blogging altogether. And everything worked out great!

    Well, obviously, not so great, after all. I’ve become increasingly dissatisfied with social media in recent years for the same reasons as everyone else, and have publicly longed for the longlost days when everyone had blogs and websites that they controlled themselves where conversations could flourish in carefully curated comments sections. The lack of a widely-adopted RSS reader has made a return to those days problematic (though I’ve been using Feedly for the last few months and have found it be satisfactory), and for a time I made a halfhearted attempt to use my Tumblr account for a similar purpose. But recent shenanigans have driven a lot of people I follow away from Tumblr and the future of the site is in question, and we’re left with the same mess we’ve been in.

    So I’ve decided to stop waiting for some solution to present itself. I still have this space so I’m going to start using it again. There is still a functional RSS feed for those who have the means to use it, and I’m also going to do my best to share links on Twitter whenever a new post goes up, using the platform as a jury-rigged RSS reader.

    The intention here is to use this site as a place to share the kinds of things that I’ve always shared online. If I read a book and liked it, or enjoyed a movie or TV show, or come across an interesting article online, I might share it here. Sometime I might even talk about a book or comic that I’m writing. I’m leaving up the old blog archives below, which for the last several years of the previous incarnation were largely announcements about signings and convention appearances, but farther back are very much this kind of stuff. (And the static archive of really old posts from the pre-WordPress days are still lurking back there, going all the way back to 2005.)

    The comments section is open, so if you want to weigh in on anything that I share here, feel free. But the comments will be moderated, and this is my house, so remember to use your manners.

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    My NYCC schedule

    Hey, all you lovely people. In just a few days I’ll be in New York for this year’s NYCC. I’ve never done this con before, and I’m really looking forward to it.

    If you’re going to be at the con and are interested in tracking me down for some reason, here’s where  you’re most likely to find me:

    Thursday, October 13
    7:00-10:00pm: CBLDF NYCC KICKOFF PARTY @ Hudson Terrace

    Friday, October 14
    11:00-12:00pm: SIGNING @ DC booth #1254
    3:45-4:45pm: PANEL – “Vertigo Visions” @ Room 1A22

    Saturday, October 15
    10:45-11:45am: PANEL – “Vertigo: Scary Shit” @ Room 1A22
    3:00-4:00pm: SIGNING @ DC booth #1254

    Sunday, October 16
    1:00-2:00pm: SIGNING @ DC booth #1254

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    Rogues Gallery signing

    I thought I’d mentioned this here, but turns out I completely forgot. Tomorrow, from 1-4PM on Saturday, August 27th, I’ll be doing a signing at Rogues Gallery in Round Rock. But I won’t be alone!

    I’ll be signing alongside the stalwart Matthew Sturges and the debonaire Kristian Donaldson. That’s three, three, THREE Vertigo creators for the price of one! (Or, in other words, “free.”) Some come on by, why don’t you?

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    Baltimore Comic-Con!

    Hey, remember when I used to update my blog more than once every two or three months? Yeah, those were good times.

    Seems like these days I only post something new here when I’m announcing that I’m going to be at some convention or store signing or something. Sheesh

    Speaking of which, have I mentioned that I’ll be at Baltimore Comic-Con, August 20th and 21st?

    I did the Baltimore Comic-Con for the first time last year, and it immediately became one of my favorite conventions. I have every confidence that this year will be just as good. If you’re going to be there, come by and say howdy. And if you’re in the area and aren’t already planning to go, then why the heck not?

    I’m doing signings on Saturday and Sunday at the BOOM! Studios booth from 1PM-2PM, and Saturday from 3PM-4PM I’ll be on the Legion of Super-Heroes panel with a bunch of guys who have way more reason to be up there than I do.

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    I attend a fair number of comic conventions in any given year, but I have to say that HeroesCon is my absolute favorite. And it’s just a few days away! If you’re going to be there, come by and say howdy, why don’t you?


     I’ll be set up at table AA-608 (right next to my collaborator on Starborn, Khary Randolph, as it happens!), and I’ll also be doing a panel on Saturday afternoon.

    1:30 PM : Heroes Discussion Group #32—Cinderella-From Fabletown with Love
    Room 207BCD

    Please schedule your weekend properly so you will have time to join writer Chris Roberson and cover artist, Charlotte’s own Chrissie Zullo as they discuss everyone’s favorite secret agent and shoe provocateur. At last year’s HeroesCon we discussed Fables: 1001 Nights of Snowfall. This will be the perfect follow-up.
    Copies of the book will be available after the discusion for brief signing.

    If I’m not at my table or at that panel, I’ll be in line at Starbucks, outside having a cigarette, or having a drink in the hotel bar, so come and try to find me there.

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    Superman #711 Variant Cover by Dave Johnson

    Did you get a chance to pick up Superman #711 yesterday, in which Superman visits Provo, Austin AND Las Vegas (to say nothing of the Arctic Circle)?

    Well, speaking of Vegas…

    This weekend, Allison and I are heading to Las Vegas ourselves, for a quick surgical-strike of a visit.

    The fine folks at Maximum Comics were nice enough to invite us for a signing on Saturday, May 14th from 12PM to 4PM. But that isn’t all.

    Our good friends and artists extraordinaire, Mike and Laura Allred will also be there! It’s going to be AWESOME!

    So if you are in the area, come on by and say hi!

    Cover of iZombie #13 by Mike Allred, colors by Laura Allred
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    More Free Elric!

    Hey, did you miss out on the Elric: The Balance Lost prologue at FCBD last Saturday? Couldn’t make it to a comic shop, or they ran out before you got there? Well, friend, have I got good news for you…

    The fine folks at BOOM! Studios have put the whole dang thing online. That’s even freer than free!

    Head over to Comic Book Resources, and give it a read. Heck, read it twice, it’s free!